Information Meeting/Reunion Informative

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, February 14th/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 14 de febrero Question: When are spring pictures?   Answer: Spring pictures are Thursday, February 17th  Pregunta: ¿Cuándo Read more

Reunion Informativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, February 7th/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 7 de febrero

Information Meeting/Reunion Inforrmativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, January 31st/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 31 de enero

Information Meeting/Reunion Informativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, January 31st/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 31 de enero

Information Meeting/Reunion Informativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, January 31st/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 31 de enero There were some questions:  Question: Is it okay if students are not able to join Read more

Pooled Testing/pruebas agrupadas

Weekly pooled testing will be postponed due to a shortage of Bionex tests in Pima County. We will resume testing as soon as more tests become available./Las pruebas agrupadas semanales se pospondrán debido a la escasez de pruebas Bionex en Read more

Information Meeting/Reunion Informativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, January 3rd/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 10 de enero There were some questions:  Question: Why did we shorten the quarantine period?  Answer: We Read more

Information Meeting/Reunion Informativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, January 3rd/ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 3 de enero

Information Meeting/Reunión informativa

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, December 6th/Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 6 de diciembre