Information Meeting, 8.30/Reunión informativa, 8.30

Here is the link to the Information Meeting from Monday, August 30th. We discussed COVID policy and uniforms./ Aquí está el enlace a la Reunión Informativa del lunes 30 de agosto. Hablamos de la política y los uniformes de COVID. There were some questions:/ Hubo algunas preguntas:  Question: What is the school doing about the weeds?/ Pregunta: ¿Qué está haciendo la escuela con las malas hierbas?  Answer: We Read more

Updates from Monday’s Information Meeting

Our weekly information meeting went over beginning of the year rules, expectations and changes. Please click the link below to see the presentation./Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver la presentación. There were some questions:/Hubo algunas preguntas: Read more

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a new school year here at Southside Community School! We are so excited to start teaching your students again. There have been a few changes this year that we want to make sure you are aware of.  Read more